autonomy iphone cable charger pictured

Autonomy iPhone Accessories | Elevate your Everyday Drive

We've all been there. On the road with 1% battery and no charge cable in sight. Maybe the kids have taken it or the one you picked up at the service station the last time you were desperate is kaput. Autonomy charge cables have been inspired by exactly this situation.

With it's little Autonomy logo, there will never be any doubt that this cable belongs in your car. If it's spotted in the house, you know straight away that it belongs somewhere else. It's also Apple quality certified, so your breakdown days will all be behind you.

Designed with PU leather covering in either black or chocolate brown with luxe stitching to match the interior of your car, it will look like it was meant to be there all along.   

There are a million phone related products and accessories for cars, but, let's face it, not all of them are beautiful. With it's little cotton canvas storage bag, this one is a perfect accessory and gift for anyone and everyone with an iPhone on the go.

We are so excited to welcome the arrival of our first batch of USBA to iPhone lightening C cables at the end of this month or early June. Cable specifications -  AWG 23/30, charging current: 2.4A.

All going well, we will add Android and USBC later. 

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